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Objector Address Grounds of Objection 1 Sally Stuart Dalfaber, Aviemore Lack of infrastructure; no other recreational place in the area; Aviemore has expanded enough; the destruction of the habitat for birds and wildlife. 2 Martin Reed Callart Rd., Dalfaber Development not meet requirements of local plan; against Gilllespies Urban Design Strategy; reference to previous refusal on part of the site; land could be sold on and number of houses could be increased; would destroy vast majority of trees; loss of woodland means loss of large local amenity; general decrease in local amenities in Aviemore and spey valley in past 10 years; no provision for amenities in plans; increase in traffic down Dalfaber Drive has potential for accidents at level crossing; environmental report not give consideration to other wildlife in area; risk of major fire increases with building of additional houses; other potential sites in Aviemore where there would be no loss of amenity; no need for extra housing in Dalfaber. 3 Catherine Murray Callart Rd., Dalfaber Development not meet requirements of local plan; against Gilllespies Urban Design Strategy; reference to previous refusal on part of the site; land could be sold on and number of houses could be increased; would destroy vast majority of trees; loss of woodland means loss of large local amenity; general decrease in local amenities in Aviemore and spey valley in past 10 years; no provision for amenities in plans; increase in traffic down Dalfaber Drive has potential for accidents at level crossing; environmental report not give consideration to other wildlife in area; risk of major fire increases with building of additional houses; other potential sites in Aviemore where there would be no loss of amenity; no need for extra housing in Dalfaber. 4 E & A Sharkey Heather Cottage, Dalfaber Application would destroy one of the last areas of community woodland; widely used by dog walkers and cyclists; home to roe deer and badgers; wood is home to wild bluebells and orchids and other native species; reference to previous refusal on part of land; Aviemore primary school beyond capacity; road infrastructure in area is woefully inadequate; upgrading of railway crossing is necessary; money making potential of selling off plots adjacent to golf course; cramming of houses adjacent to golf course would not raise its stature for world golf; "questions whether Aviemore will be a quality all year round sporting venue, nestled within the Cairngorms National Park or merely a disjointed selection of housing developments." 5 Deanna Chalmers Callart Rd., Dalfaber House chosen for location and proximity to woodland and field at rear; using this ground for yet more building in Aviemore would be sacrilege; badgers seen on site; buildings would be an infringement on privacy; danger of only one access/ exit point; lowering tone to put some small plots beside golf course; overcrowded primary school. 6 George Forsyth Callart Road, Dalfaber More housing should be the last thing to be considered at the present time; village needs to develop without turning into one large hotel, bar and holiday home complex; preserving wood and rough grazing ground for wild life should be of premier importance. 7 Stephen Carmichael (3 letters received) Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Continuing ghettoisation of the north end of Aviemore is appalling; hundreds of houses built…..no services or shops; not need more holiday housing, built for short term economic gain for the developers; site of development is last small piece of amenity in area; people take pleasure in walking in the area; witnessed pistrell bats and Buzzard. 8 J. Hollier Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Area has terrible trouble coping with residents sewage now and development will add to problem; bought house due to quiet area, close to river and woods; annoying increase in noise from proposed road; wildlife will disappear; housing planned is not within price range of local people; local school is already stretched. 9 M. Lambert Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Development would destroy an attractive area of birch woodland used by local people; urge that no decision is made until CNP's Local Plan; development of this size is not needed; if development is allowed preserve as many trees as possible; include amenity areas where local walkers can gain access to existing footpaths without walking through streets of houses; further large development in north Aviemore should be discouraged. 10 Chris Robert Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Do not wish to lose birch woodland; density of development proposed is too great; purchased mainly by greedy individuals and speculators for holiday lots; use powers to protect from over urbanisation. 11 F. Carrick Dalfaber Park Concern about increased traffic at level crossing and roads unable to cope with volume of extra traffic; pressure on various service infrastructures e.g. drainage problems at Dalfaber; strange to consider building so many houses so close to a championship golf course; would destroy some of the last remaining natural birchwood on the edge of Aviemore; area around Dalfaber is already saturated with new housing. 12 R. Morrison Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Sighting of badger in the woods. 13 M.&I. McKee Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Concern at increase in traffic ; the displacement of wildlife; Aviemore Orbital path seems to be running more and more through housing development rather than on perimeter of village. 14 J.Cornfoot, A Lange (2 letters received) Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Area is heavily used by locals for walking and access to the river; majority of development is targeted at the holiday home market and out of price range of local people; Aviemore growing faster than village has facilities for; woodland currently provides break between two areas of housing; woodland provides vital habitat fringes for wildlife and acts as a buffer to the village boundary; new development will lead to further pollution and diminish the ecological corridor which is vital for wildlife. 15 Iain Gray (3 letters received) Callart Rd., Dalfaber Reference to previous refusal on part of the site; points raised by Reporter apply to much of the greater area for which p.p. is being sought. 16 Amner Family Osprey Grange, Dalfaber View from time share property and associated tranquillity will be ruined; only accessible area of amenity woodland in the area; plans contrary to local plan; paths in area are regularly used; village does not have infrastructure to cope with scale of proposed scheme; current medical, schooling, fire service and ambulance are already overloaded; loss of woodland would result in loss of bird and bat habitat; dangers of increased road traffic into the site. 17 Christine Briddon McInnes Pl., Dalfaber Development will not offer much housing for local community; houses likely to be bought as holiday homes; already too many properties lie unoccupied; loss of birchwoods would be a huge blow to those living in the area. 18 David MacLean Albert Street, Nairn Contrary to Local Plan; native birchwoods would be decimated by a development of this scale; birchwoods are a core element of the amenity of Dalfaber and should be preserved for the future; wildlife would suffer if housing proceeds to the extent applied for. 19 Jennifer Lobban Dalfaber Contrary to Local Plan; contrary to objectives of Gillespie Urban Development Strategy; reference to previous refusal of planning permission on part of the land - validity of reasons remains in place; plots proposed in south east area of the site would have massive impact on local residents and timeshare owners; would not assist in the marketing of the new course; social infrastructure and amenity facilities have failed to keep pace with Aviemore development in recent years; concern regarding increase of traffic at level crossing and developer should pay for required improvements; more housing would place pressure on already stretched local services; badgers, bats and deer and variety of flora at the site; queries who housing would be affordable for. 20 Joyce Hyatt Spey Avenue No services provided in Dalfaber at the moment; open space has been steadily eroded over the years; destruction of this piece of woodland would deprive the community of a much loved and much used amenity; Dalfaber is quite large enough. 21 J&M Sangster Dalfaber Park Area of natural woodland much used by locals and is last remaining wild wood nearby; (also received by Aviemore in danger of becoming one large housing estate; why are all the new houses e-mail) needed; "nobody in their right mind would is going to build affordable housing on a prime site right on a championship golf course." 22 KL Lobban Edinburgh Contrary to Local Plan; contrary to Gillespie Urban Development Strategy; development would decimate the clearly defined amenity areas; refers to previous refusal on part of the site; infrastructure and amenity facilities have failed to keep pace with massive housing developments in Aviemore; access to Dalfaber is over a dangerous level crossing. 23 A MacPherson Pityoulish Area under siege from developers in past 10 years; development site is last piece of green belt in north Aviemore; existing new development in Dalfaber has been purchased as holiday homes; planning authorities unwilling to prevent unsuitable development in this area; "Park for All" only true if you want to own a holiday home or are a developer; queries what has changed since previous refusal on part of site. 24 G & K McDonald Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Only area in Aviemore left with woodland and panoramic views; no shopping facility at this end of the village; not enough outdoor facilities for children; Aviemore is a village with a community spirit not a city; concerns regarding road leading over railway. 25 M & I Gray Callart Rd., Dalfaber Contrary to Local Plan; loss of amenity woodland will affect large numbers of residents and tourists; only remaining area suitable for recreation left between the river and railway; already poor drainage in the area and removal of trees will exacerbate this; further increases in population would put more strain on school, medical centre, dental, police and fire; time for completion - may be a building site for many years; reference to previous refusal on part of site. 26 Alice Marten Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Loss of even more trees would be devastating for birds, animals and people who live here and use woods regularly; need to leave as much land as possible for drainage to prevent flooding. 27 Cathy Mordaunt Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Trees in area adjacent to back of Corrour Rd., Callart Rd. and Dalfaber farmhouse are of significant ecological value in themselves and as hosts for important lichen; area is important buffer between the golf course and the residential area of Dalfaber. 28 Captain McGregor Cawdor, Nairn Application of this size is highly detrimental and does not take into consideration the River Spey designation as SSSI and SAC; greatest long term threat comes from light pollution that will emanate from street lighting - street lighting and wild fish are not compatible; important that developments of this sort should not be anywhere near a river. 29 A.& JT Boyd Spey Avenue Refers in detail to history of previous applications on a part of the site that have either "withdrawn, expired, or declined." 30 W & A Grigor Craigowrie Place, Dalfaber Currently a green area with lots of trees and other wildlife; will lead to more traffic in in the area; severe lack of parks, open spaces and landscaped areas in Aviemore; turning into an urban jungle. 31 Scott Allan Callart Rd., Dalfaber Detrimental to the local area; new houses should be built in suitable brown field sites before destroying green field areas; possibility of badgers living in the wooded area; try and keep deciduous wooded areas untouched; too many cars using one road in and out of a new estate, crossing railway track; 20% of houses should be low budget affordable; health board, dentist and primary school with struggle with increased houses. 32 P. MacKinnon Craigends, Houston "No space no walk areas just new build"; against the law to take trees away. 33 Diane' Corrour Rd., Aviemore Now a National Park and there should be no more building; sewerage cannot cope; area should be left as green belt; new housing unnecessary. 34 W. Lobban Dalfaber Area is used for wide variety of recreational and leisure pursuits; proposal is contrary to Local Plan; development not acceptable in any shape or form; reference to previous refusal of planning permission on part of site; concern regarding views of people from timeshare properties and new golf course; social infrastructure and amenity facilities have failed to keep pace with development in Aviemore; accessed via a dangerous level crossing; development would place pressure on local services; no mention made of bats, deer, badgers or the variety of other flora and fauna; housing is affordable for whom? 35 William Spencer Spey Ave., Dalfaber Local Plan designation as 'civic amenity area'; widely used by walkers, horse riders and cyclists; reference to previous refusal of planning; how affordable would houses be for first tome buyers / local buyers; remaining 80 plots would be luxury house end of market; local infrastructure not capable of coping; increase in traffic in area is out of proportion to the roads. 36 Ray Lambert (3 letters received) Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Birch woodland is intensively used as an amenity area; current plan designates most of woodland as amenity area; premature to grant planning permission prior to Park Local Plan; wildlife of woodland will be lost; buzzard, deer and rabbits are often seen. 37 Erin McBean (2 letters received) McInnes Place, Aviemore Object to felling of birch woodland for housing that hardly benefits local community; law does not permit forestry workers to fell birch trees; conservation laws should protect a large natural birch wood; protect the last natural, accessible and unspoilt area and keep it for good of local people and not greed of others. 38 C & J How Corrour Rd., Dalfaber "yet more housing to be developed by destroying more of our countryside and wood lands". 39 Peter Hay Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Area already has trouble coping with the residents sewage and development will add to the problem; very angry at the thought of losing this peaceful area for good; increase of noise and traffic would be very annoying; housing isn't within price range of local people; local school already overstretched. 40 Ken Thomson Lockhart Place, Dalfaber Object to development of pristine area of birch woods; one of the few remaining (also by e-mail) pleasant walking areas left in Aviemore. 41 Catherine Molloy Dalfaber Park, Aviemore Area is used extensively by walkers and dog owners and is a haven for a variety of wildlife. 42 Captain Allan Turriff Relatively unspoilt part of Aviemore; wildlife bound to suffer from building work; heavy usage of existing birch wood; approach road is over an existing level crossing; everyday shopping facility in Aviemore is overloaded; time to stop trend of increasing housing density without a corresponding increase in services; strain on existing services; new golf course would be marred by another housing development; prices out of reach of local people. 43 Sandy Scott, Bathgate, West Lothian Proposal would have detrimental effect visually on Dalfaber Golf and Country Club; Architect on behalf G & C Club would suffer from noise and pollution; area surrounding the G & C Club of MacDonald Resorts will suffer with the requirement for new access roads and points; sense of exclusivity of the G & C Club will suffer. 44 Christina Shields Corrour Rd., Dalfaber Last few years has seen plethora of building encroaching on countryside; house plots being built not to supply a need but a money making enterprise; area of old and young birch trees, song birds and nesting birds; area used by children and dog walkers; "please leave us some space." 45 R&R MacDonald Ionad MacAonghais Area is one remaining untouched wild area amongst development in village; should be preserved for the purposes it already serves; enhanced as a recreational facility; housing issue taking over every chunk of land that is next to a road; development goes against everything the National Park stands for. 46 Aileen Hannah Callart Rd., Dalfaber When purchasing home assured that there would be no build in the woods and this had to be kept as a green belt. 47 Dalfaber Action Group c/o 36 Callart Rd Evidence of badger activity has been found (photo included); have aerial photographic proof that the remains of a historic circle or hut exist; total of 207 people counted using area on 9th and 10th July; reference to newspaper article on car crash at level crossing; considerable no. of bat sightings; not convinced that SEPA's interpretation that garden seepage of weed eradicators through ground strata would not be detrimental to ecology of the River Spey. 48 Dalfaber Action Group (2 letters received) c/o Pawprints, Dalfaber Requests that Planning Authority carry out site visit followed by a public meeting. 49 Strathspey Railway Company (a no. of letters received) Aviemore (c/o Kincraig address) March 05 - object as the level crossing on the access road to the site is incapable in its present form of accommodating in a safe manner the traffic likely to be generated by the proposed development. Jan 06 - Believe that the level crossing is in its present form incapable of accommodating in a safe manner the traffic which would be generated by the proposed development. 50 PETITION 40 Signatures 39 Aviemore addresses, 1 Newtonmore address "Wish to express opposition to the proposed housing development at Reidhaven Estates at Dalfaber, Aviemore, on the grounds of loss of amenity, disruption to wildlife and overprovision of second homes in the area." 51 - 222 PRO FORMA SLIPS 171 objectors Aviemore area addresses "Wish to register objection to the proposed development by Reidhaven Estates at Dalfaber, Aviemore." 223 - 249 PRO FORMA LETTER 27 objectors Various address (Aviemore, Newtonmore, Inverness and Glasgow) Object on the grounds of disruption to wildlife; loss of amenity for existing Aviemore residents; overprovision of second homes in the area; disturbance to local residents; traffic congestion in Dalfaber; unacceptable noise and building pollution in an area that has been constantly developed in the last 10 years; lack of appropriate retail and service facilities to support more housing. 250 - 476 PRO FORMA LETTER (AND MAP) 225 submissions Various addresses (Aviemore, Newtonmore, Inverness and Glasgow) Submitted as part of the Local Plan consultation process: "Area of Dalfaber North which at present is partially designated for housing should be re-designated as amenity woodland i.e. green belt. This area is considered by residents and tourists alike as an important local amenity and one of the few areas of Aviemore left unspoilt. It should be kept for the benefit of future generations."